What is your question about?
Select the category your question is about below.
Register and Login
The main page of www.inhuurdesk.nl allows you to register as a supplier or as a self-employed person.
Once you have clicked on "Register," you will need to fill in some information. When all details are filled in, click "Submit Registration."

You can choose from the Salesforce Authenticator and third-party Authenticators (Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, Authy, LastPass Authenticator, etc.). If you use the Salesforce Authenticator, you get a push notification on your phone every time you log in. With a Third Party Authenticator, you have to copy a code from the app into the application.
If MFA is required for you, you will immediately be given the option to use the Salesforce Authenticator when you log in. By clicking the "Use another authentication method" link at the bottom of the page, you can use a third-party authenticator.

If you have chosen the Salesforce Authenticator as your authentication method, the app will display two words which you need to enter on the form in the application. If you do not immediately see this two-word phrase, click the "add an account" button in the app. After entering the two words, press "connect" in the application and the phone will be connected to your account. You will receive an email as a confirmation. The connection process may take a minute.
Are you using a Third Party Authenticator? Then you have to use the app to scan a QR code. Then the app will generate a six-digit code for you. When you enter the code into the form in the app and click "connect," the app will be connected to your account. You will receive an email confirmation. The connection process may take a minute.
If you have already set up an MFA connection, you can log in with username and password as usual. After submitting the correct login credentials, each login attempt will prompt you to verify your identity using the Authenticator app.
If you have chosen the Salesforce Authenticator as your authentication method, you will receive a push notification on your smartphone. If you do not receive a push notification or you cannot click on the push notification; open the Salesforce Authenticator app. After opening the app, you can confirm the attempt to log in.
Have you decided to use a Third Party Authenticator? When logging in, you will be asked to enter a six-digit authentication code. This code is produced by the Authenticator app you used to connect your phone according to the previous paragraph.
A user session in the VMS is limited to a maximum time of inactivity (default is 2 hours). After that, you are automatically logged out and need to log in again with username, password and MFA.
When using the Salesforce Authenticator app, you can take advantage of a 'remember me' feature based on the device's GPS location. You can do this by checking the slider just behind "Always approve from this location. Then the Salesforce Authenticator app will check the same GPS location the next time you log in and automatically skip the MFA step if you are within an approved area.
Are you using a third-party Authenticator app? Then it is not possible to skip the multifactor authentication step when you log in.

Is your cell phone broken, lost or you have a new one and therefore you can't log into the VMS? No worries: contact the Hiring Desk to help you further.
The client may have chosen SSO (Single Sign On). This means that you can log in without having to enter login information. The Hiring Desk will link your account to the system of the company where you work, so that you as a client will be logged in immediately. The login button is located on the specific Hiring Desk page. If SSO does not work, contact the Hiring Desk.
It is possible to add a new user as a supplier. Please note that this can only be done as 'Organization Administrator' of the supplier account.
Log in at www.inhuurdesk.nl and click My Settings at the top right. Then click on My Supplier Information. Scroll down and click New Supplier User. Fill in all the fields highlighted in red and click Save.
The new vendor user will receive an email from Salesforce with the login information. If the new supplier user does not receive this login information immediately, always check the spam box first. If the email cannot be found there either, please contact the Hiring Desk.

It is possible to request a new user as a client. You do this through your contact person at the Hire Desk. If your contact person is not known, please contact us at +31 (0)10 760 09 00 or send an e-mail to support@staffingms.com.
When you sign up as a vendor, you can choose different user profiles. In addition, it is possible to assign multiple roles to a user:
- Consultant: The user has access to requests and assignments.
- Payroll employee: The user receives the invoices when they are prepared.
- Statement of Work employee: The user has access to SOW contracts.
In addition to the default roles, a single organization administrator can also be designated. To set this up, click "Edit" in your vendor card. Then scroll to the "Organization Administrator" tab. Here, select the employee who should become organization administrator. Note that the user must already have been created.
Applications, Questions, Offers and Permits
Log in to the appropriate Hiring Desk (or via www.inhuurdesk.nl) with the login codes provided.

*If you do not yet have login information, you can request it from support@staffingms.com or from your contact at the Hiring Desk.
In addition, the client may have chosen SSO (Single Sign On). When you then click login, you will automatically enter the system. Therefore, if SSO is applicable, you will not see the screen above, but will be taken directly to the main page.

If not all required data are present yet, click on 'Save in current status'. The application will remain on 'Draft' until the data is completed and can be sent to the Hiring Desk. It depends on the process whether an approval is required before sending to the Support desk. This will then be indicated.

You can find the maximum rate of a request in the request itself. When you are logged into the Hiring Desk Portal, open the application in question. Scroll to the "Financial Information" tab. Here you will find the maximum rate. If this field is not filled, there is no maximum rate known and you need to offer in line with the market.
Each request has a unique request number, it starts with SRQ. Once you are logged into the Inhuurdesk portal (via www.inhuurdesk.nl) click on the Requests tab. When the SRQ number is known, you can enter the corresponding SRQ number in the search field. You can also use the filter options.
Each application is distributed in a particular segment. This is to ensure that only the suppliers and freelancers active in this segment receive the application. You can manage your own segment enrollment in your profile.
If you cannot see the application in the Hiring Desk Portal, it may be that you are not registered in the relevant segment. Once you have checked this and the relevant segment is selected, the application will be visible within minutes.
Each application contains evaluation criteria. The Hiring Desk has coordinated these criteria with the client. It may occur that it is not possible for the supplier or freelancer to (partially) complete the assessment criteria. This is because the Commissioning Desk has checked what information the supplier or freelancer has to fill in themselves (what, for example, cannot be found in a resume) and what the Commissioning Desk itself can assess (what is present on a resume).
As a supplier or freelancer, you can indicate segment preferences in your profile. This means that you will only receive requests that are distributed to that segment. This prevents you from receiving unwanted e-mail. How you can manage this yourself is explained below.

The system automatically takes information from the resume and then reads it in. The system may not do this to completeness. The Hiring Desk evaluates the candidate based on the resume itself. This is to avoid missing information.
Each client has its own Inhuurdesk landing page that contains all the client's requests. In addition, the requests are distributed by segment. This means that only the suppliers and freelancers who have subscribed to that segment will receive the requests. You can manage the segment registrations in the supplier profile. If you are subscribed to the relevant segment, you will receive an e-mail when the client has distributed a request.
Some of our clients work with a Dynamic Purchasing System, hereafter referred to as DAS. If you want to know more about this, read more under the heading Dynamic Purchasing System.
Once you want to propose a candidate on an application, the resume should be present at all times. This is also the case if you have previously added a candidate with resume to the candidate pool. Therefore, before pressing Propose, always check whether the resume is present. The system also gives a message that the offer is not yet allowed.

Once you have proposed a candidate on an application, the candidate has the status "Proposed". As soon as the Hiring Desk has more information about this, they will process this in the application and the status will change. The supplier and/or freelancer will receive an email about the status change. There are different statuses:
- Proposed: the candidate has been proposed in the Hiring Desk
- Submitted to client: the candidate was introduced to the client
- Reserve: the client does not want to reject the candidate yet and will come back later with further information
- Rejected: the client is not interested in the candidate
- Accepted: the client is eager to hire the candidate
When your candidate is accepted, you will be notified by the Hiring Desk. You will receive an email with a link to the candidate. Before the Recruitment Desk can make an assignment and order confirmation, some information needs to be completed.
When you are in the candidate card (indicated by an SPR number) click on "Complete Data" at the top right. Make sure all fields marked with a red line are completed. Once all data is present click on "Submit Completed". If you do not yet have all the data click on "Save Only". Later when all the data is known, you can fill in the rest of the data and then offer it completely.
After the candidate is fully offered, the status changes to "May be hired." The Hiring Desk Officer will format the candidate's assignment and notify the supplier.

In the application itself is an opportunity to ask questions about the open application. These can be found in the application if you scroll down under the "Questions" section and then click on "New Question.
After clicking on "New Question" you can ask your question about the request in question after which you click on "Send". After sending the question, the Hiring Desk receives it and will answer it (possibly with the Client). The answer can be found in the request and is then also available to other potential contractors. You will also receive an email notification of the answer.
If the deadline for submitting offers has passed, you can no longer submit candidates. Unfortunately, we cannot make an exception to this.
At the job information you will find a schedule including the date of closing the application. After closing the application, the Inhuurdesk will evaluate all offers. A selection will be submitted to the client and a selection will be put on reserve. You will be notified via email of any status change.
All awards are published publicly on the Hiring Desk website of the tendering clients.
Once awarded, the assignment is entered into the digital environment of the Hiring Desk. You must accept the assignment online and upload any required documents and/or accept terms and conditions.
Below are the steps to offer a candidate:

Candidates can be withdrawn at any time. However, make sure if this happens after the closing date that you also inform the Hiring Desk about it so they can refute it with the client.
The candidate's status changes from "Proposed" to "Draft, not yet proposed" or "Withdrawn." This shows that the candidate is no longer proposed. The appointment of this depends on each client.
Once a freelancer is offered into the system by a supplier, the candidate is no longer a freelancer in the VMS. This is only the case when the candidate offers himself without the intervention of a supplier. This is necessary for invoicing, it is intended for the supplier and not for the self-employed person. In the offer you can indicate (if necessary) under "Type of flexworker" that it is a on-lending construction.
- Flex employee: you are the formal employer or are on-lending an employee who is employed elsewhere. The order confirmation is handled by the supplier. The hired employee does not have access to the order confirmation or rates.
- Zzp'er: the employee is a self-employed person without staff. Here it does not matter whether the relationship between client and zzp'er is direct or indirect. The hired person is himself responsible for the order confirmation and can view the rates.
Once an application is distributed, suppliers and freelancers have a predetermined period of time to offer a candidate. During this period, both the supplier and self-employed have time to ask questions related to the application in the portal.
Once the application is closed, the Hiring Desk evaluates the candidates offered with the client. The client informs the Hiring Desk which candidates they want to invite for an intake interview and which candidates are immediately rejected. These candidates are rejected immediately. It is also possible that the client does not want to reject candidates immediately, after which the candidate is put on "Reserve". If the candidates who are first to be interviewed do not meet the requirements, the candidates on "Reserve" can still be invited. As soon as the status of the candidate changes in the system, the supplier will be informed by e-mail.
After the intake interview has taken place, the client will let the hiring desk know which candidate(s) they would like to hire and which candidate(s) unfortunately did not make it. The Inhuurdesk processes this in the system and contacts the relevant supplier/zzp'er for the further process.
Assignments and Change Requests
When looking for an assignment, first log in to the Hiring Desk page(www.inhuurdesk.nl).
Next, go to the Commands tab. A filter menu appears on the right. Check the filters. This may cause the assignment not to be visible if they are set incorrectly.
Now enter the candidate's first or last name in the upper right corner.
It is possible that something may change during an assignment. As soon as this happens, you will be notified. Changes relating to the contract must be recorded in a new order confirmation. The supplier or contractor will receive an e-mail asking them to check and approve the new order confirmation. If there are any questions about the new order confirmation, please contact the Recruitment Desk.
When you are logged into the Hiring Desk Portal you will find "Change Requests" under the "Assignments" tab. If you click "Change Requests" a list of the change requests made regarding your candidate will appear.
The candidate's name and address information is recorded in the employee card. You can find them as follows.
Log into the Hiring Desk at www.inhuurdesk.nl. Go to the "Assignments" tab and then select the appropriate assignment. From there, click on the employee's name. You will only see a small portion of the candidate's information at first. Once you click "Show full document," the rest of the data will come up.

Go to the appropriate assignment using the link in the email or log in to the Hiring Desk. Go to the assignment from your tasks on the main page or click on "Assignments" and filter by status. At the top right you will see a button that allows you to approve the assignment. Check the assignment carefully before approving it.
The contract is the order confirmation that will show up in the digital file once the order passes through approval (if any).
Once the hiring desk has created the order, it must first be approved internally by the client. When this is done, the supplier will receive an e-mail containing a link to approve the assignment. After this, the status of the assignment will become final.
If you disagree with the assignment, you can "reject" it. You will be asked to provide a reason. The Hiring Desk will receive a message of the rejection and will handle it and seek coordination with the client. After a possible adjustment, the assignment will be offered to you again.

You can do this in two ways:
- You will receive an email from Salesforce containing the link alerting you to approve a change request. You click on the link and log in with the login codes to access the change request in question.
- On the home page in the Hiring Desk is an overview in your task list that includes actions you need to take. Click on the appropriate task to get to the change request.
Contact the Hiring Desk to make the change known. They will then take this up further with the client. As soon as the change request has been approved internally at the client you will be notified.
Digital file
When a document needs to be added in a file you will receive an email about this. In the assignment, under the tab "File Documents", the documents are guaranteed. When you want to add a document, in this case a VOG, it looks like this.

Once an order is created and approved, the order is provided with an order confirmation. The order confirmation can be found in the order itself under "File Documents," as you can see in the example below.

Both a client and a supplier/zzp'er have their own files. These are different places where various documents are safeguarded.
The supplier/freelancer has its own card in which the data of the organization are guaranteed, including the financial data for the payment. In addition, this must contain a number of documents, such as an extract from the Chamber of Commerce. As soon as this information is incomplete, invoicing and/or payment is not possible.
In addition, each candidate has their own assignment file for each assignment they complete. Among other things, this file safeguards the order confirmation. In addition, it depends per client which further documents are contained therein.
When you register as a supplier, you are required to provide a number of documents, which are then displayed in your supplier file. These include:
- Approve Terms of Use Hiring Desk - Terms and Use Hiring Desk
- Uploading Extract from Chamber of Commerce
- Upload statement of payment history or SNA registration
When these documents are delivered, they will be presented to the Hiring Desk for review. When the documents are approved, this is indicated by a green check mark under "Status".
Below are the steps to get into the supplier file and upload documents.

Once the Hiring Desk finds the document incorrect or incomplete, the document will be rejected. You will receive an email about this with the reason for rejection.
When you register as a self-employed person, you need to provide a number of documents, which are then displayed in your self-employed profile. These include a Chamber of Commerce extract.
When the documents are delivered, they will be presented to the Inhuurdesk for checking. When the documents are approved this will be indicated by a green check mark under "Status". Below are the steps to upload documents.

Once the Hiring Desk finds the document incorrect or incomplete, the document will be rejected. You will receive an email about this with the reason for rejection.
The digital file is part of compliancy. Files include documents that have been agreed upon with the client. Depending on the type of document, you have to approve it, or it is included for notification.
Please note that certain documents must be approved with some clients before actual hours can be written. These documents are distinguished from the rest with a red cross.
Both permanent and external employees are required to provide a Certificate of Good Conduct (VOG). However, this does not apply to every client. This is mentioned in the application and in the digital file of the assignment. For external employees, a VOG is required if they are hired for longer than three months.
The candidate may already have a VOG, however, the VOG must meet the appropriate screening profile. The screening profile differs per client. Consult the Recruitment Desk about the correct screening profile. In some cases the Recruitment Desk can apply for the VOG. For some positions, a VOG is required before starting work. You will be informed about this before starting. Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for the application procedure with your own municipality.
Additional information regarding the VOG, such as the costs, can be found on the Justis website. The costs for the VOG cannot be claimed from the client and must be borne by the supplier or contractor.
Hours and Invoices
It is possible to view the timesheets in the past. Not being able to see the timesheets is due to a filter. By default it is filtered on the current year. So should it happen that you need to look at timesheets from the previous year, you need to change the filter to that year.

Hours worked (and claims) must be recorded weekly. This is done by the hired employee. Recorded hours must be approved by the supervisor before they can be billed.
Timesheets are automatically prepared on a weekly basis. If you - in any case - want to create your own timesheets, you can do so as follows:
Go to the "Timesheets" tab. All timesheets that are already present are shown here. With the button "Create a new timesheet" you can then create a new timesheet.
Note: If you want to copy an existing timesheet because the new timesheet will be the same, you can also open an existing timesheet and choose "Copy timesheet".

The status of the timesheet is "New. All available hour types are displayed on which the employee may submit the hours. Enter the hours.

Here it is possible to add an additional financial characteristic per line. In addition, you can use the 'Additional line' button (the blue plus in front of the day) and add an additional line for the same day.

Hours worked (and claims) must be recorded weekly. This is done by the hired employee. Recorded hours must be approved by the supervisor before they can be billed. Timesheets are automatically prepared weekly. The candidate will receive an email about this.
Follow the link to the timesheet. Another way to access the timesheet is to log in at www.inhuurdesk.nl and click on the Timesheets tab. All timesheets already present will be displayed here.

The status of the timesheet is Draft. All available hour types are shown on which the employee may submit the hours.
Enter the hours.

Here it is possible to add an additional financial characteristic per line. In addition, you can use the 'Additional line' button (the blue plus in front of the day) and add an additional line for the same day.

Every month the invoice is prepared using the payment calendar. Each client varies when this moment occurs.
To view invoices, you must first log in to the Hiring Desk at www.inhuurdesk.nl. Go to the "Invoices" tab.

A fee applies to each assignment. The amount of the fee differs per client. It also depends on who pays the fee: the client or the supplier. This can be found in the relevant Hiring Terms and Conditions.
Should there be any questions regarding the fee, please contact the Hiring Desk.
The application generates e-invoices. All data required (in accordance with the law) on an e-invoice are stored in the application. The application administrator can set up the invoice format of the PDF documents using data mapping. This allows the system to create PDF documents that meet the requirements as set by the Tax Administration. If desired, the generated PDFs (e-invoices) can be saved by supplier or customer in their own administration.
Billing Form
The Hiring Desk invoices on a reversed-billing basis. This means that the Hiring Desk creates the invoices based on the hours and fees approved by the client and acts as cashier. This means that the Hiring Desk collects the money from the client and pays it to the supplier upon receipt. As the supplier, all you have to do is check for accuracy and track progress.
Below we list for you the processes surrounding the payment of worked and approved hours. In doing so, it is important that you follow the client's agreed payment calendar (see below).
Billing process
The reversed-billing process works as follows:
- The externally hired employee is responsible for timely submission of hours worked - whether in the VMS Nétive or in the client's system.
- The hiring manager is responsible for timely approval of submitted hours.
- The approved hours are invoiced. When exactly this takes place can be found in the respective client's payment calendar.
- The Hiring Desk prepares the invoices and sets them up for the customer, supplier and contractor.
- When the invoices are ready, the supplier and/or freelancer will receive an e-mail notification about this with a link to the invoice.
- The supplier and/or freelancer has 72 hours to add their own invoice number to the invoice. Once this period has passed, this is no longer possible.
Below we list for you the processes surrounding the payment of worked and approved hours. In doing so, it is important that you follow the client's agreed payment calendar (see below). This is because deviation from the timelines leads to a delay in payment. You yourself play an important role in timely payment.
It is important that you take care of:
- Complete data (e-invoicing + file) in the Hiring Desk VMS system.
- Timely recording and approval of hours worked.
Re 1. Complete data (e-invoicing + file) in the VMS* system of the Hiring Desk:
An order must have reached "final" status. This means that both the client (hiring manager/budget holder) and the supplier/zzp'er must both accept the assignment (digitally).
The candidate and assignment file must be complete. Therefore all documents requested by the client must be accepted and entered into the VMS system and, where necessary, reviewed for accuracy by the Inhuurdesk.
All financial data must be entered before e-invoices are created. Without this e-invoicing data, no invoice will be created and no payment will follow. Required data are postal code, house number, street name, city, VAT number, invoicing contact person, e-mail address invoicing contact person, bank name and bank IBAN. The required fields become visible if you are going to change the supplier data. The fields are marked with a blue '|'.
The supplier file must be complete (also applicable for freelancers). The extract from the Chamber of Commerce and documents such as a Declaration of Payment History must be submitted and approved by the Inhuurdesk.
Re 2. Timely recording and approval of hours worked:
Once the assignment has begun, hours must be recorded and approved before an invoice can be issued. As an outside employee, you are responsible for ensuring that hours worked are recorded weekly and submitted to the manager for approval. The client's hiring manager is responsible for ensuring that recorded hours are approved in a timely manner.
Only hours that have been approved are invoiced monthly in accordance with the payment calendar (provided, of course, that the digital files are in order). Timesheets that reach the status 'Sent to supplier' too late are only included with the next billing round (i.e. one month later). Interim invoicing is unfortunately not possible.
You will receive an automatically generated email when the invoice is created. You then have the opportunity to check the invoice and during 72 hours it is possible to enter your own invoice number. This is to facilitate a link with your own administration. If you do not change the invoice number within 72 hours, the automatically generated invoice number will be used to ensure the billing and payment process is not delayed.
After receiving the invoices, the client pays within the agreed payment period. Payment of suppliers / freelancers can only take place after receipt of the amounts due from the client by the Hiring Desk. Depending on the term agreed in the hiring conditions, the Inhuurdesk will pay the supplier/zzp'er within 2 to 5 working days after receipt of the payment from the client.
Summary: Invoicing takes place in the first days after the close of a month, in accordance with the payment calendar (see heading "Payment Calendar"). Only after payment from the client to the Hiring Desk, suppliers/zzp people are paid by the Hiring Desk.
Please note: Deviations from the process described here are not possible. Invoices self-created by a supplier/zzp'er will NOT be processed. You will NOT receive a message or notification of this.
*VMS = Vendor Management System (application).
A payment calendar is used in consultation with each client. These payment calendars can be found under the support page on the Inhuurdesk portal of the respective client.
Refer to these to find the right Inhuurdesk portal
If the hours have not yet been invoiced, the timesheet can be modified. Go to the corresponding timesheet and click "Edit".
The 'warning' you see next indicates that the modified timesheet will be sent again to your client for approval. Click 'Continue' if you agree:

Then make the desired changes. You change the hours or allowances to the desired number. So if you worked 7 hours instead of the specified 8 hours, you remove 8 hours and enter 7 hours.

Then click "Submit for approval. After this, enter any comments for the client (not required). After this click on 'Continue'. The timesheet has now been resubmitted to the client.
If these are hours that have already been billed, please contact the Hiring Desk.
The submitted hours must initially be approved by the hiring manager. As long as the hiring manager has not given approval, the timesheets are still on status 'Sent to manager'. After approval by the manager the timesheets will be on status 'Sent to supplier'. From this moment on the timesheets are billable.
The condition for invoicing is always that the data are completely entered in the Hiring Desk and also the digital file is completely filled with the correct and approved documents.
The supplier has the option to add their own invoice number to the invoice. After the Inhuurdesk creates the invoices, the supplier receives an e-mail notification about this with a link to the corresponding invoice. This link, as well as the possibility to modify the invoice number, is only valid for 72 hours. Once the 72 hours have passed, it is no longer possible to add your own invoice number to the invoice.
Dynamic Purchasing System
Staffing MS has set up the portal www.dastehuur.nl for its procurement clients. The setup phase for this Dynamic Purchasing System (DAS) has already been completed. Many suppliers are already connected to this DAS. In this way, a client can, by way of a pilot, immediately experience what it is like to work with a DAS, without the need for extensive research and investment. Moreover, the DAS is continuously open to new entrants, including suppliers or freelancers. More information can be found at www.dastehuur.nl.
If you are a supplier or self-employed person wishing to register for the Dynamic Purchasing System, hereafter referred to as DAS, you can do so through the Hiring Desk Portal.
- Register via or log in to the Inhuurdesk via inhuurdesk.nl
- Go to the Dynamic Purchasing Systems tab.
- There are several Dynamic Purchasing Systems for which you can enroll. Click on the DAS for which you want to enroll.
- Before clicking "Request for Authorization" at the top right, you should first download the UEA document (Uniform European Tender Document) - and any other attachments - which can be found on this page under the attachments heading.
- You must complete the completed UEA document and attach it as an attachment. You do this by clicking on 'Choose File'. Then click on 'Submit request for authorization'.
- Then click "Continue.
- Now the DAS request has been submitted. The Hiring Desk will process the request for admission according to procurement law within 10 business days. It may happen that you want to place an offer on a currently open request and the admission should be processed earlier. You can submit this request to support@staffingms.com. Staffing MS is not obliged to process this request immediately if there is no immediate possibility to do so.
When you select the Dynamic Purchasing System of your choice, in the attachments you will find, among other things, the corresponding European tender document. This is partially pre-filled (cover page and applicable grounds for exclusion). It is therefore not necessary to download a blank copy yourself.
Once you have registered for a Dynamic Purchasing System, this registration will be reviewed by the Hiring Desk. After assessment, you will receive notification of whether your request for participation has been accepted or rejected. The set period within which the tender must be assessed is a maximum of 10 working days. However, we strive to process new registrations as quickly as possible.
No, you are not permanently excluded from participation. Reasons are always given when rejections are made. After adjustment, you can resubmit your registration, after which it will be reviewed again.
Other questions
With our digital Hiring Desk, we offer freelancers and suppliers the opportunity to compete for temporary hiring assignments. Independent contractors and suppliers can easily register and respond to requests. You will automatically receive new applications by e-mail. During the execution of the assignment the entire contract processing, time registration and invoicing is done online through the Hire Desk.
The benefits of the Hiring Desk are:
- You will receive all inquiries from our clients;
- You are easily found by the client;
- Easy online submission of offers;
- A transparent selection process;
- Applications are clearly drafted;
- Always expert answers from the Hiring Desk to all your questions;
- Feedback on your offer within a few days;
- Contract processing, timekeeping and billing completely online.
The Hiring Desk Portal is supported by Google Chrome and Internet Explorer. However, some features may not be supported if you use Internet Explorer. Hence, we initially recommend Google Chrome.
Each client of Staffing Management Services B.V. has its own "branding" (logo and colors) in the system. This branding is determined by the URL used to log in. For example, if the hiring desk of Client X is logged in, the system will display the logo of this client. However, all requests are still displayed in the system within the segments to which the supplier or contractor has signed up. Segments apply to multiple clients.
If logging into the system from an email, the system will recognize which environment was last logged into and then display in this 'branding'. So do not be confused by the logo: what is described in the application after 'client' is the respective client.
Do you want a neutral (Staffing MS) environment? Then log in at www.inhuurdesk.nl and click Login at the top right.